Rules Engine is a . NET C# project that validates business logic by defining a bunch of rules for your data classes. Rules are defined using a fluent-interface (fluent validation) helper class, and not by decorating your existing objects with attributes, therefore de-coupling validation logic from data (or domain) classes.
- Rules are inheritable. Defining RuleX for TypeA will also apply to TypeB (given that TypeB inherits from Type A)
- Rules are extensible. Creating custom rules are only a matter of implementing an interface.
- Conditional validation. When defining rules, it is possible to have different rules given different conditions. E.g. Not Null Rule only applies to FieldA when FieldB > 100
- Cross-Field validation. Defining a rule that FieldA must be greater than FieldB comes very naturally with the fluent-interface helper class.
- Fluent-Interface. Adding rules to objects is done by a fluent-interface helper class.
- Error Messages. Defining error messages can be done at the same time as defining your rules (Or separately). They can apply to the Class, A Property of that class, or a Rule for that property.
Below is the simple example for rules engine:
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